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Used to catch the ash from your Sage or Palo Santo Smudge sticks!


1 x Unpolished Abalone Shell


Abalone shells are not only beautiful but they are mostly used to catch the ash and embers from your smoke cleansing ritual items such as Sage or Palo Santo. Rest your smudge sticks on the shell after your cleansing ritual to ensure they safely go out.  Abalone shells make a great and decorative addition to your alter.


These shells are polished on the inside showing their true colours and left raw on the underside giving and earthy and natural look.


Size: 14x12cm approximately on average. 


Note: As the shells are natural they may have slightly different colouring, sizes and shapes. Selenite cleanses all crystals renewing their energy so use this plate to lay your crystals on any time they need to be cleansed and charged. Selenite is self cleansing and doesn't need to be cleansed like other crystals.


Harvested ethically

Abalone Shells for Smudging - Unpolished

$21.00 Regular Price
$19.00Sale Price
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